It’s Always Just the Two of Us

faith for the journey blog picHe showed up this morning!  I love it when God shows up and then…shows off.  🙂

Some Sundays during worship…I like to belt out the songs (although I usually feel bad for anyone sitting within earshot) and some mornings, I like to just quietly soak up the music and pray about the things that are on my heart.  This morning, was the latter, for me.   In the middle of my conversation with God, I began to think…I am in a room with about a hundred and fifty or so other people pouring out their hearts…and yet…I feel like i’m all alone.  Just me and God.  And at that moment, He whispered to my heart…it’s just you and Me.  I am right here with you…listening to you.  I know everything that’s going on in your life…and especially, in your heart.  Tell me everything.

When that song was over, our pastor stood up and said (and i’m totally paraphrasing here) – You know…God is in every circumstance and situation.  God sees YOU.  Step out into the aisle and let people gather around you to pray, if this is you.

Of course, I practically ran to the aisle because he had just repeated, almost exactly what God had just said to me!  How amazingly awesome is that?!  I love it when God uses people, not only to confirm something He has said…but also when He uses His people as prayer warriors in our lives.

I love that, no matter where we are, or what we’re going through…it really is…always just the two of us – me and the One who created Me.  The One who knows me like no one else could.  The One who loves me like no one else ever will.  ❤